Thursday, July 26, 2018


2 Esdras 7:29-31 CEB - “After these years, my Son the - Bible Gateway

After these years, my Son the anointed one and all who have human breath will die. The world will be turned back to primeval silence for seven days,Image result for make gifs motion images of religious preachers going madFOR AN INTRODUCTION TO THIS WEBSITE SEE THE FOLLOWING LINKS ADDDRESSED.
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  1. so, after my encounter with the lynx that came out of macintyre river, in THUNDER BAY ONTARIO- i was near city hall in thunder bay yesterday.
    and, i was just trying to gather my thoughts, after my encounter with the lynx.

    so, i'm standing there thinking.

    what to do next/ what is me going to do next.

    as something or somebody or some creature of some kind or another- had cut a hole in my tent, while i was not by my tent the day before.

    out of no where this guy appears and declares to me that he is johnny '''the sweet glory''' mc craw!
    ''''''ooooooooo'''' i said. 'thats wonderful!

    do you want to read my website that teaches humans how to save mother earth, mr johhnny mccraw?

    to that question, he grabbed my flyer out of my hand and crumpled it up.

    and then rubbed his ass with it. and said,

    fuck mother earth to hell!''
    the sooner she dies the better off i'll be,! he cried loudly.

    so i said to him, your a true asshole mr johnny mccraw!
    and your lucky i'm not interested in going to jail at this moment.
    your also lucky their are witnesses around and camera's everywhere.

    or i'd wipe the street with your face!

    okay johnny?

    i just got to tell you,
    don't do that to me in the woods where their are no camera's ya goof.
    or it will probably be the end of you, in this life, anyways.

    okay mr johnny mccraw!???

    then i bade him a sweet fair adieu and said,

    '''''bye asshole!'''''

    and then i went along my merry way.

    after that i started handing out my flyers at a near by wal mart.

    and the people there declared to me that they couldn't wait to see mother earth die.

    and said they didn't want anything to do with a website that teaches people how to save mother earth properly.

    because they preferred to have sin in their lives in that respect.

    awesome sins!''

    o yes!

    they shouted.

    i'm not kidding you shawn. that is what they said.

    i tell you shawn, at first the residents of thunder bay seemed normal. and sincere.

    but in the last day and a half they have been acting strange.

    perhaps even vulgar.

    people always show their true colors if you hang out with them long enough.

    these thunder bay residents are being somewhat strange over the last few days.

    i might have to bid this city adieu fairly soon.


  2. james coelusouraoursss
    4:27 PM (13 minutes ago)
    to Angeltruth

    . except for the fact i got a few flat tires in the front tire recently. while riding around thunder bay ONTARIO...


    trying to figure out if i should continue this ride this year or wait til i have a bit of money saved up. aw yes. a flat tire in the front of the bike is whaT I GOT AGAIN. which is making me wonder if their is a problem with the front axel of the bike.

    james coelusouraoursss
    4:21 PM (2 minutes ago)
    to Bill

    here is an interesting true story. you may laugh at, bill.
    located below.

    tire tubes and the sweet governments of earth. connected to the following.

    i am now going to tell you all a true story.
    worded as follows.
    ya know, once upon a time, on this planet, a short time back, i went to a store called zellers to purchase two tubes for my bicycle, i owned at that time.

    nothing special about that story. except for this.

    the pakage the tire tubes came in said ''tubes WILL NOT GO FLAT.'''
    and ya know what?

    in the time i had that bike, for the next two years, before some idiot stole it in downtown london ontario canada, the tire tubes never once went flat.

    so, i went to buy that type of tube again at the same store, after i bought another bicycle.

    and do you know what the store attendant told me?

    he said that company did not make those tubes anymore.

    because they we're benefiting bicyclists to much.

    and earths authorities we're complaining to that company that they shouldn't help bicyclists that much.

    earths authorities wanted bicyclists to have trouble in other words.

    and then pay money to get out of trouble.

    regarding bicycles.

    and getting flat tubes.

    in other words the store attendant was telling me that earths authorities want people to have trouble when it comes to bikes.

    so people cannot ride bikes.

    and then be forced to drive cars instead.

    so earth can be polluted to hell and back through modern technology.

    and since bikes do not pollute earth, earths authorities could not allow a bicycle tube to be on the market that never goes flat.

    because then earths authorities would not make money.

    and earths authorities, including bicycle companies, passinately love devilish money above helping people.

    that is what this store attendantr told me when i went to buy this type of tube again for another bike of mine in this life.

    he said earths authorities, including bicycle companies, took that tube off the market.

    because it benefited bicyclists too much.

    and earths authority figures didn't want people who ride bicycles to benefit like that, through such tire tubes.

    because then, in summary, earth will not be polluted and destroyed.
    welll, that is totally goofy on the part of such earthly authority figures'''' i said.

    tattoo psalm 149; verses 5-9 accross your foreheads yoy goofy earthly authority figures. bite me.
    thank you.
    in truth.
    ta ta and touche.


  H A L L E L U J A H! 2 Esdras 7:29-31 CEB - “After these years, my Son the - Bible Gateway https://...